About Us

The Strawberry Tree grew out of the hearts and minds of two Jennifers: Jenn Robbers and Jenny Auble.  Finding ourselves jobless, we quickly realized that we were spending every spare minute cooking, talking about cooking, or texting each other about what we just cooked or would be cooking next. What’s more, we noticed that a day that was going badly could be turned right around with a successful batch of homemade granola or pickled peppers. We created the Strawberry Tree so that we could continue to explore our love of cookery and see where it takes us.

Why do we call ourselves “The Strawberry Tree”?

·         Why not?
·         The bejeweled fruits of the strawberry tree are medievally gorgeous and hard to ignore. They have the same kind of ridiculous beauty as a perfect little macaron.
·         After receiving a beautiful strawberry tree as a gift, Jenny did some research on the trees and learned that they appear in one of her favorite paintings, “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Heironymous Bosch.
·         Coincidentally, this same painting has always been one of Jenn’s favorites and the artist has links to her husband’s home town.
·         The Strawberry Tree Cookery aims to focus on the special touches that can make the ordinary extraordinary—just like these sparkling little fruits turn an average looking tree into something truly magical.

Since we both fell in love with the romanticism of the tree and beautifully bejeweled berries that it gives off, it became the perfect choice for the name of our new venture together.

So what is this new venture together? 

Right now, it comes down to this:  we love to cook and we love to share what we cook.  We enjoy wowing people with decadent goodies and, as it turns out,  we are pretty good at it!  People keep telling us (admittedly, our friends, family, and anyone else we have pushed our wares on) that we should be selling the food we make. We have had people tell us our stuff is the best they have ever tasted, and it seems we have been letting their compliments go to our heads. Finding  ourselves with some extra time on our hands, (* cough* joblessness * cough *) we decided to see what happens if we start pursuing our cookery as something more than a hobby. 

Instead of jumping head first into a business that we know nothing about, we started this blog to share our experiences while we figure out our next steps. We’re experimenting and you get to come along for the ride.

Jenn- Packet mix and water, anyone?

Jenny- I like cake!