Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Welcome, Baby Jack!

If anyone is actually still checking this blog, I will be very impressed by their dedication. As it turns out, Jenny and I are not as active at blogging as we would like to think we might be. She has a pretty good excuse though, what with having a newborn and all. I have no such excuse.

The good news is: we haven't stopped baking. It's the bakiest (I just made up a word!) time of year again, so maybe we will find the time to share some of our creations over the next few weeks.

To follow-up on my nonchalant mention above that Jenny had a baby, I should mention that she's doing great. Jack is a quite the cute little man and both Jenny and her husband are enjoying the newest member of the family. Rumor has it that Grendel is thrilled to finally have a brother!

To welcome Jack home from the hospital, I baked these sugar cookies using the Fred Letterpress cookie cutters. They took a little figuring out, but it was pretty simple once I got the hang of it. Although, there's nothing like baking sugar cookies during a 90 degree October heatwave to make you wonder whether you have lost your mind. Totally worth it though.

We are so glad you are here, Jack! Congrats to Jenny and John!

- Jenn


  1. Congrats Jenny and John!! Welcome back to blogging!!! I can't wait to see some great holiday ideas. Maybe something a novice like myself can attempt?!?!

  2. Hi, Robert! Thanks for commenting...and reading!
    Hopefully we will get some fun new recipes up here for you soon. I'm finding that shortbread is both delicious and easy - something Jenny has been telling me for years. Here's a link to a simple, yet delicious, cranberry shortbread recipe: http://strawberrytreecookery.blogspot.com/2011/12/cranberry-shortbread-for-win.html
    - Jenn

  3. These were amazing . John and I ate every single one in 3 days!
